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  • Writer's pictureSaurabh Kumar

A diversified community

Updated: Apr 12, 2020

“I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort, where we overlap.”

The growth of a community is proportional to the diversity and inclusion it has in itself. In the era of digitalization and when the world is driven by data. Technology and computing are the core of mankind in the future.

So when we talk about community-culture in computing and technology we can see that there is still a lack of diversity and inclusion.

Technology always works on solving real-world problems whether we talk about “Facebook” or “amazon”. Technology always works to create a solution to a real-world problem. And to catch hold these problems from its core we always need someone who has gone through it and lived a time span facing them.

Now here the need for diversity arose in the tech community. Our world has so many different races, castes, and cultures so if we only walk ahead leaving behind a particular section of society then we can’t get hold of all the problems society is facing today. As we all know tech communities are male-dominated which puts them a step back to solve problems of other sections of society because they only are able to analyze the problem from a single perspective.

Like if I take an example of technology that has a goal to solve problems of women healthcare then if we won’t include them in the project then we won’t be able to understand the insights of the issues they face day to day and their current situation both mentally and physically.

Now some gonna ask they won’t be that good fit in this face-paced workspace. For this, I will just use a proverb “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. Every section in our

society has there own strengths and weaknesses. And we should give others time to adjust to a new environment.

When we have a diversified community we are able to solve problems faster and also get a chance to choose the best solution from the pool of options we have in front of us.

Every section of society has a different mindset which makes them analyze a same problem with different angles and perspectives. And this, at last, makes us capable to bring the best solution out for a problem as we studied it from all possible dimensions.

Diversity isn't just about race or gender. It's about the background, perspective, age, education and so much more. If you have a homogenous team, then you're going to build a product that serves that team. In order to build a product that serves everyone, you need voices and input from all types of people.

If everyone on the team has the same knowledge, the same skills, the same worldview, and the same biases, they will inevitably reach the same conclusions. Diversity is the only way to avoid this trap and foster truly creative teams.

At last, we can conclude that the exponential growth in technology and computing is only possible when we have a diversified community is there to work on it.

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